About Barbara Dannfeld

Born in 1943, married, is a registered nurse.

Since 1991 she has also wanted to acquire more healing knowledge out of her own concern. In her search for alternative approaches, she came across the physio-philosophy of Jin-Shin-Jyutsu. Mary Burmeister brought this fascinating body-energy work from Japan to America and eventually taught this method in Scottsdale, near Phoenix, Arizona, and from there around the world, including Germany. Since then, Barbara Dannfeld has practiced this method and taught it to others in "self-help courses".

Barbara Dannfeld came to Buddhism in the early 1980s through the books of the physician and death researcher Elisabth Kübler-Ross. She first attended a lecture by Lama Ole Nydahl through a friend of many years and met her teacher of the Karma Kagyu tradition, Lopön Tsechu Rinpoche, who died in 2003. Together with her husband, she then met Lama Rangbar Nyimai Özer in 2008. Since then she has been practicing in the tradition of Dudiom Lingpa and helps the members of the meditation group and others on their path of development in her inimitable warm way.