Filling of Guru Rinpoche Statue

Lama Rangbar, Tulku Rahula, Lama Mipham, offered gold from the community for Guru RInpoche’s face and hands, and Margaret Michie led the team in offering beautifully done gold leaf to all Guru Rinpoche’s attributes and implements. Lama Rangbar also had strong feelings that the statue should not have overwhelming gaudy enamel colors and instead used subtle colored mica colors for many of the elements including Guru Rinpoche’s lotus flower seat.

Lama Rangbar invited Lama Tashi Thobgyal (Tratop) Rinpoche from KPL monastery in Red Hook, NY to come guide the extensive filling process.  Lama Tratop Rinpoche spent one week with Lama Rangbar and Bodhivastu volunteers, performing the Dzung Drup  (recitation accomplishment blessing of the mantra rolls and substances, filling the statue and also performing a holding consecration ceremony with those present.

Offering various precious substances is also a valuable act of generosity that generates a great deal of merit and connects you to the blessing stream of the project.

  • Gold, silver or jewelry made from precious metals and stones

  • Various crystals, precious and semi-precious stones

  • Gold and silver coins and coins from around the world

These (and many other) generously offered substances were cleaned, purified and used to fill the entirety of the statues — thus permanently housing something which came directly from the donors, becoming a truly long-lasting connection and source of merit and blessing. Now is the right time for all of you to dedicate the merit generated to the benefit and ultimate enlightenment of all parent-like sentient beings.

To view a list of all the sacred contents, relics and precious substances inherited by Lama Rangbar as well as those collected and sent in by the Bodhivastu Community from all over the world, please click here.

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Consecration Ceremony With H.H. Dungsey Namgay Dawa Rinpoche


Shrine Construction Completed