About Marcus Dannfeld M.A.

Born in 1964, married, he became interested in Chinese astrology and Buddhism in its various forms while still at school in the early 1980s.

After leaving school, he studied educational science and worked as a social worker for the German Red Cross. In 2000, he set up his own business as a consultant for astrology and Feng Shui (Tib. Sa-Tsi). Since 2008, he has worked as a palliative counselor and counselor for the elderly in addition to providing individual counseling. He has recently returned to the German Red Cross to help set up and run a public counseling center for home adaptation counseling.

Around the time of his training in Florida to become a "Heal your Life" coach according to the philosophy of Louise L. Hay in 2009, he met Lama Rangbar Nyimai Özer and a spiritual friendship developed. At Lama Rangbar's suggestion, he and his wife Barbara started a meditation group in their beautiful city of Heidelberg in 2014. Since then, the group has consisted of up to 10 members and meets regularly once a week. Over time, the initial non-religious mindfulness exercises have developed into a stable Dudjom Tersar group.

The focus of the practices in Samten Ösel Choling include Meditations on various aspects of enlightenment according to the tradition of Dudjom Lingpa with the associated ritual practices such as Riwo Sang Chö, Tsog offering festivals, healing meditations and, as before, mind-calming and mindfulness meditations.

However, another special training is also practiced here: the practice of Dharani recitation. These "Long Mantras", some linguists also call them the "Buddhist Spell Collection", were taught directly by Buddha Shakyamuni on special occasions and especially for "the beings of the future", i.e. us. In a way, the Buddha's teachings on these dharanis mark the transition from the sutra level to tantra and represent a separate category in the Buddhist canon. In his study of the Buddha's teachings, Marcus Dannfeld has specialized in the translation and application of these practice sutras, thus helping to preserve these treasures of the Mahayana tradition in a similar way to the Venerable Lama Zopa Rinpoche.