Nad Jom Wheels Imported

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We have successfully imported the Nad Jom prayer wheels, and the components of their housing from Nepal. The prayer wheels have also been beautifully painted red and gold.

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The pond where the prayers wheels will be installed has been excavated, intake and output pipes have been installed, and the foundation to support the prayer wheel structure has been poured.

Now that the prayer wheels and other necessary components are at Trinlay Khachöd Ling, there are a few more steps necessary to complete our project.

  1. The construction of the pond needs to be completed; this includes smoothing the interior surface of the pond, installing the pond liner to retain water, and general landscaping touches

  2. The Vishnu statue must be repaired and installed at the pond

  3. Finally, the prayer wheels need to be installed and consecrated which involves welding the housing structure together and conducting the consecration ceremony.

We rely on your continued support to bring this sacred project to its fruition.

There are many ways to contribute.

Aside from monetary support, volunteer support on site is also just as necessary to actualize the vision of the Disease Subduing (Nad Jom) water-powered prayer wheel project.

We thank you for your participation.


Pond Constructed & Vishnu Installed